Does Anyone Know Lee Min Ho's Email Address?


2 Answers

lakeesha Hennessy Williams Profile
Lee Min Ho's email address is not public information.

Although he's one of the biggest stars of Korean television, Lee remains a fairly reclusive individual.

In fact, he makes a point of not disclosing his personal information to the general public.

If you're really interested in getting in touch with Lee Min Ho, however, there are two things you can do:

Contacting Lee Min Ho The first thing you might want to do if you'd like to interact with Lee Min Ho is to join his Facebook fan page or to follow his official Twitter feed.

According to various sources, Lee regularly engages with his fans on these platforms, and often posts both professional and private photos of himself on social media sites.

The second option would be to contact Lee Min Ho's agency. As is the case with many other Korean actors, Lee's interests are managed by Staurhaus Entertainment.

Initial contact can be made through the agency's contact page (Korean language skills will be required). Alternatively, you could always apply to audition for the agency.

You never know, you might make it as the next big name in K-Pop, in which case you could spend as much time with Lee Min Ho as you'd like!
Chiara Tosoc Profile
Chiara Tosoc answered
No. But there's this site. and it's got his blogs - because you know he is an internet addict and a homebody. I just can't understand it because the text's in Korean.

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