
How Did Nathan Kress Become Famous?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Nathan kress became famouse by going to drama club in his school and his teacher said that he had a lot of talent and she told him he should go to acting school and in acting school they said that he is very good then they told his mother that he should go to auditions he went to the auditions and they put him on suit life of zack and cody. So thats how nathan kress became a famouse actor
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think he asked his Mom can he be famous on nick two years ago and she said sure, and he went to meet Miranda Cosgrove and jerry trainor and Jennette Mccurdy and they all made a show together and made a website called but his mom on the show is fake!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Miranda plz be my bf I was born in 9993 like you so plz I have a big crush on you

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