What's The Funniest Joke You Know?


7 Answers

Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
This is a silly one, but i like it. A woman gets onto a bus, and all the time she's crying. An old man who is sitting on the bus invites her to come and sit next to him, offers her a handkerchief, pats her on the arm and says, "There, there... what's happened to upset you, my dear?"

Crying so bitterly she can hardly speak, the woman manages to sob out, "I'm so upset...everybody says... that my baby...is ugly!"

"Oh dear," says the kindly old gentleman, "What a terrible thing to say. Never mind, you sit here and have a good cry; that'll make you feel better. Now just make yourself comfortable - I'll hold the monkey for you..."
Nikia Clarke Profile
Nikia Clarke answered
The newlyweds are in their honeymoon room and the groom decides to let the bride know where she stands right from the start of the marriage.He proceeds to take off his trousers and throw them at her. He says, "Put those on."The bride replies, "I can't wear your trousers."He replies, "And don't forget that! I will always wear the pants in the family!"The bride takes off her knickers and throws them at him with the same request, "Try those on!"He replies,"I can't get into your knickers!""And you never bloody will if you don't change your attitude.
London Clark Profile
London Clark answered
Ok i have 3: 1.wat do u call a man with no legs in the sea? Bob. 2.wat do u call a man with no legs or arms in front of a door? Mat.3.wat do u call a dog with no legs:it dont matter he aint cuming anyway lol hope u enjoyed them!!!!!!
Karla Khine Profile
Karla Khine answered
Why was tigger looking in the toilet? He was look for pooh!

Three girls were running away from the police and happened to pass by the farm so they hid there. So one girl hid behind the cow, one girl hid behind a pig, and one girl hid behind a bunch of sack of potatoes. So when the officer shone the light on the cow the girl said moo and the officer said nothing there. So he went on to the pig and shone the light and the girl said oink and the officer said nothing there. But when the officer shone the light at the sacks of potatoes the girl didn't know what to say so she said "POTATOE" THAT IS FUNN-AY!!
suman kumar Profile
suman kumar answered
If you take my answer in a jolly way i mean if don't disapprove loll, i would definetly add loll.
Doctor to woman - I asked you to take 3 meals per day - still you are looking weak,
Woman - I thought it is 3 ... Loll
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Umm all those ones that i just read were lame lol     here is mine

Q: What did the dog say to the tree?

Figure it out

comeon u can do it!



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