Does It Seem Wrong To Sing A Spiritual Song That Really Does Not Present A Truth In Your Life?


1 Answers

Penny Kay Profile
Penny Kay answered
Sure, the enemy doesn't want us to sing of spiritual truths, so he will, place thoughts of guilt to stop us. I sing my favorite spiritual songs, and get that feeling sometimes, then I remember that we were instructed to call things that are not, as if they were. I am a Chritian under construction. I  haven't reached my full potential yet, but if I continue to sing in faith, and pray, then I am becoming a better Christian, little by little until the day, that I have become. My Mother passed 11 years ago. I consider it the worse day of my life. She taught me so much, and was my best friend to the day she died. I am glad that your Mother has gone to Glory, but sad for you, that you will not see her for awhile. She will see you, in the blink of an eyelash, for there is no time in Heaven. You are a very spiritual person. This I can tell, ask around....*p
thanked the writer.
Sharon commented
And may God bless and continue to lead you in your walk, and one day we will all get together and have a good time!

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