What song always makes you grumpy when you hear it?


7 Answers

Taylor Brookes Profile
Taylor Brookes answered

Wow this could be a loooong list, but to keep things short, I'd have to say Happy by Pharell Williams. SO. IRRITATING.

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

Anything by Taylor Swift! I don't listen to a radio station that plays that music, but sometimes I hear it in the stores....make me wanna run over someone with my buggy! Lol!

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John Doe
John Doe commented
Yep, agreed! Yuk indeed!
Bradley  Lomax
Bradley Lomax commented
Her songs range from Meh to hilariously immature they often just fall into those ranges but however shake it is just 😫 to me
John Doe
John Doe commented
Not my type of music....blech! Respect....*shrugs*
Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

I'm going to say "Handbags and Gladrags" by Stereophonics.

The title of the song might sound cheerful enough, but there's plenty of reason to be grumpy when it comes on...

Such as?

  1. I don't like The Stereophonics very much.
  2. A version of this song is used as the opening credits for the UK version of The Office, which is based in Slough -  a city that's known for being a bit glum (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/21/world/europe/21iht-journal.1.11312673.html?_r=0)

I could have a skewed view on these things though, I was a goth in high school and there are plenty of songs which I enjoy that are rather depressing:

"No Time To Cry - Sisters of Mercy"

"Here Comes the Rain Again  - The Cruxshadows (originally recorded by The Eurythmics)"

So maybe I'm the wrong person to answer this question!

Darling Divaa Profile
Darling Divaa answered

Anything "rap." It makes me more sad than grumpy that people actually think that's it considered music :(

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Darling Divaa
Darling Divaa commented
I'm pretty straight forward on my music, oldies rock n roll, country, jazz but i have tried rap and there is no way i can listen to it, i just can't. To me there is no talent there, sounds like a bunch of jumbled up words that make no sense and when you can understand it, it's nothing but sexual content and violence. No thank you on the rap....
Bradley  Lomax Profile
Bradley Lomax answered

There is a lot of music I hate, but none really drive me too angry per se, but there are a few few that just annoy the hell out of me... for instance Eminem's anti classic fack or that Nickelback song that heck I don't know what it's called, but it's terrible.

And finally any song of the wraith album by the icp, except the witch. That's at least decent, but the other generic mind numbing murder talk is boring and it doesn't help that more or less for the entire album the icp have raspy lisp-like accents. Hell it's not even a common factor! Why did their voice change for this album? I don't know, but crap is it annoying!

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

Anything by:

Selena Gomez,

Justine Bieber,

One Direction,

Ariana Grande,

......and in particular, there's a song by Daftpunk that makes me so grumpy,not because of the song actually! Because of it's music video. It's a very simple stupid video, few simple shots, that each one of them repeats constantly over around four times, & the drum & bass they play in the video has nothing to do with what it plays in the song. Since i seen the video, I feel so grumpy when I hear that song.

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