Sci-Fi movies seems profitable these days. Would NASA and Hollywood team-up space movie to fund future space exploration anger tax payers?


2 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

I sure don't think it would anger taxpayers at all. They waste so many of our tax dollars on other junk, I would love to see them spend it on the Space program. Getting Hollywood and NASA to work together might be a chore though. I think that's a good idea. Much rather see my tax dollars used on space exploration than on trips all over the world that accomplish nothing but waste money and boost egos !

Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

I doubt anyone would ever sanction Hollywood and NASA teaming up.  Hollywood movies are VERY expensive to make.  Between paying for movie making expenses and paying the studios/production companies/stars and who knows what else .. There would be very little left that anyone would be willing to give to NASA.

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DDX Project
DDX Project commented
Interstellar grossed 675 million dollars. That's enough to fund space exploration for the next 150 years. NASA is very efficient.

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