
I did a performance in Korea, singing and dancing. A former Trainee told me I should audition for SMTOWN. I have been told many times I would do well in the entertainment industry in Korea, but I don't know if I should really commit to it yet?


1 Answers

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

I am confused if that is a question or a statement .. In any case, I am going to make the assumption that you are asking what you should do .. The most logical advise would be .. Wait until you KNOW what it is you want to do .. And THEN persue it. 

Don't persue something you are not 110 % committed to..because it takes an enormous amount of time and energy just to scratch the surface in the entertainment industry.

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Lee Ae Tae
Lee Ae Tae commented
Smtown is a very famous Korean entertainment company. I'm surprised that you were told multiple times that you should audition. However, consider this: Was the former Trainee from Smtown? Because if he was, there might be a good reason he left.
Remember that if you become a Trainee for any Kpop agency, it is very hard work, and even if you get accepted, there is still a large chance that you won't get to debut for a long time. Even after you do debut, there are so many hardships you will encounter.
If you do decide to pursue this, make sure you really look into which agency you will try out for. Some don't treat their groups really well, with small dorms, and much less pay than they deserve. Make sure you are making the right decision before you make one.
Also, when you go to the auditions, try to look your natural self. The judges are all about natural beauty/handsomeness. From what I've experienced, if a judge doesn't pay attention to your audition, he's not interested. If you manage to capture a judge's attention, chances are, you'll become a Trainee.
Good luck!

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