How can I learn to sing without a voice instructor? Any tips appreciated!


2 Answers

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

Practice in front of a mirror, family and friends. Or alone. 

Practice, practice and practice. Volunteer to sing at everyone's wedding, anniversaries, social gatherings, parties, bar mitzvah and picnics.

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

If you wouldn't have any idea about how to find your texture and path toward singing. An instructor is required.

Personally i believe, singing must be within you, you must feel it and take it out, you can not be unrelated to the subject and suddenly at the change of heart decide to learn how to sing! It's a natural talent and passion that must be carried within you from the first place.

If you wanna have it professionally, you need to connect with your voice very well and if you find it difficult, an instructor is needed. Beside the natural passion of singing, you must educate yourself with singing as well.

Learn about basic music notes:

DO - RE - MI - FA - SOL - LA - SI  / C - D - E - F - G - A - B

Learn about voice octaves. High notes, low notes and belted notes. About voice registers such as:

Vocal fry -> Modal voice -> Falsetto  (Whistle register)

Male -> Chest -> Head -> Falsetto

Female -> Chest -> Middle -> Falsetto

Female (Soprano - Mezzo Soprano - Alto)

Male (Counter tenor/tenor - Bariton - Bass)

-Range: The notes that your body can produce

-Weight: Light voices, bright and agile; heavy voices, powerful, rich, and darker.

-Size:  The amount of sound you can produce and your voice’s dramatic effect.

-Tessitura: Part of the range which is most comfortable to sing.

-Timber or Color: Unique voice quality and texture

-Transition points: Points where you change from chest, to middle, to head register.

-Vocal registers: How extended each register is.

-Speech level: Speaking range

-Physical characteristics: Height and build, age and experience.

then, practice, practice and practice, don't afraid to get your voice out, learn and rate yourself, record yourself, find your frame,  find out how many octaves you can reach and practice to extend, get a hold on different notes, get examples out of other singers and see which are familiars to yours out there,find out which kind of singer you are, what genre and what type of notes suits you best. And never stop repeating and practicing!

Good Luck.

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