Does anybody still own a vcr?


5 Answers

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I think we got rid of our last one last year after we had family bus tapes converted to digital media.

Mountain  Man Profile
Mountain Man answered

We have 2 combination VCR / DVD players but both players started eating VCR tapes. So last year I got rid of all my VCR movies. I've been replacing them here and there on DVD. I have to admit, the other night I had my heart set on watching North to Alaska but that was a movie I didn't replace yet . I was bummed.

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Megan goodgirl
Megan goodgirl commented
Yeah I remember this vhs tape the vcr would eat the tape man that sucked I have dvd now
Mountain  Man
Mountain Man commented
I wonder how long it will take before DVDs become obsolete?
Ancient One
Ancient One commented
In a way they have begun to slide with all the movie based services such as hulu, netflix etc.
Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

I still have one, but it isn't working properly.  Fortunately, we have been able to replace most of our favorite VHS tapes with DVD's.

LiftedTruck Redneck Profile

I still have one, but we do not use it much anymore. Almost everything has been converted to DVD or is available on Netflix, Hulu, or some other streaming service, which seems to be easier than rewinding and putting a tape in nowadays.

Darren Wolfgang Profile
Darren Wolfgang answered

I had one for years sadly we didn't use it and when my little cousin lived with us when she was a baby , she stuck a toy inside it and some how ruined so we had to throw it out . But i would like to get a VCR and get them VCR Tapes and get some old shows and watch them . The only 2 things i have is a Roku box and regular DVD Player too .

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Ancient One
Ancient One commented
I remember my youngest daughter pretending it was an "easy bake oven" stuck a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in one. Unknowing my oldest son shoved a vhs tape in it and that was the end.

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