What Is Something That Never Asks Any Questions But Demands A Great Many Answers?


4 Answers

elmer falls Profile
elmer falls answered
This answer is a doorbell.
Rajesh Shri Profile
Rajesh Shri answered
This sounds more like a riddle than a question. Well I can answer this from a consumer's point of view. When a new consumer product is launched, most of the masses have no idea about this product, or are blissfully ignorant about this. Just as an example when Microsoft launched 'Windows' for the first time, not many people could comprehend the use of Windows. Of course now we cannot think of our computers without this! Anyhow, the users never asked the questions or at least the important questions as they did not know what to ask. Also when one does not know, one does not want. It is only after we know the benefits of something, that we start wanting it or later it becomes a habit and we cannot live without it, something like a microwave or a mobile phone. Hence when a new and revolutionary product is launched, nobody asks any questions but they are all demanding many answers before they actually make it a part of their life. The duty and responsibility of a good sales person is to educate the consumers and answer all the unanswered questions so that this serves as an eye opener for the prospective buyers.
1 Person thanked the writer.
Merlin happy happy
Hi Rajesh Shri~ I'm not sure if this is the answer they were searching for....
But in my book, it is absolutely Right On!! A+ if I were a teacher. Great answer!
Happy happy!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Riddle, answers
what gets a lota of answers but never asks any question?

Answer Question
