
How do I make up a song?


14 Answers

Dan Banks Profile
Dan Banks answered
How do you make up a song?

The great thing about songwriting is it's an entirely creative process! Simply pick up your instrument of choice and play the first thing that comes into your head. Eventually you'll play something that you like, and then you can start moulding that riff, lick, or melody into a real song.

The hardest part in this whole process is having the initial inspiration for the track. This can't be forced, instead you'll usually have to endure hours of writer's block before you get any decent ideas - something which can be very frustrating.

Once you have the starting point - whether it's some catchy lyrics to a sing-a-long chorus or a high energy guitar riff - you can start to build the song around it. Most typical western popular songs have at least three different parts to them.

A basic song structure could look like the following:

2nd Verse

Music theory
Your going to need a decent level of musical theory if you want to write a hit single. Make sure you write the music in key and then explore the scales in that key in order to write an extra melodic and catchy track. Just applying a little bit of theory can make the transitions between the parts sound so much smoother - so I would advise you to read up on this.

The most important thing to remember is practice - the more songs you write the better you should become at songwriting. It will also mean that you will carve out your own unique and creative process for writing music.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its really easy, just think of the thing that affects you most and then the worst thing that happened to you, then mix them together, drop in some beats and Voila! You have your own song. This is what ive got-

I'm always rushing to and fro, can't even choose where I want to go, don't want to be famous, don't want to be cool, don't even want to be left out of school, I want to have fun, I want to be free, I just want to be plain old me. Thats all ive got is it ok?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well just look at the objects around you and then pick one of them and think of what it makes you feel e.g sad happy angry. And then join it together and describe it in the song there you have it.
Yooti Bhansali Profile
Yooti Bhansali answered
Making up songs is a good way to pass the time if one is experiencing boredom, or the need to irritate someone. Here are some tips you can use to make your very own song:

Firstly, look around you. Pick out an object, say the third object that you happen to see and keep it your head. For example, you could pick out something as mundane and ordinary as a table.

Then, think of something which you recently did, for example washing the car. Then, try arranging the two things into a sentence and come up with a tune to sing the sentence. Repeat the sentence again and again until you know it by heart. Similarly, supplement the song with additional lyrics, they can be related or completely random, it doesn't matter.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
When I try to make up a song it takes me quite a while. The first thing I do is go out on a walk or trip and then stop and pick out about 5 different things that I can see the I think about the last 5 things people have last said to me and try to connect them in a song thats what makes a great song to me something from the heart!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Some people say making up songs are just for some people, but it's not you can make up a song easily. The easiest way to make up a song is it to be about you if you want to make an emotional type of song then think of something bad that has happened in your whole life and you think about how you felt then and put them into the song.

If you want a happy song do the same thing but only if you try to do the music make it up beat
you could try to make it rhyme too.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Most song that I make up come from the heart. I sing about my emotions, what ever comes into mind. Try writing some few lines down, just like a poem then put a tune to it, this bit kinda comes naturally, just find whatever suits it best. Just give it a go experiment about with it, you'll work something out in the end.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I would just say the first thing that come to my head and just mix every part around and just rap about it kind of hard but I just let my mind do the thinking and I do the talking.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think of who you are in love with then make a tune and lyrics will pop into your head
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am a good singer but can't make up a song this is what I got! Just go home now I don't need you anymore you should be happy what are doing to me you broke my heart in to two pieces.  Thats all I got
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's quite easy to make up a song actually. You have to dig deep and that kind of stuff.
For me making up songs comes naturally. A good song has to reflect on you and your emotions. For example, if your feeling depressed you can sin about why your feeling depressed.

Songs are always better when it reflects on you. That way it doesn't sound like a lame kids show theme tune.

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