
Should A Rating System Be Required For Song Lyrics?


9 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think it should. Sure, you can say that parents/guardians should make sure their children don't listen to those songs, but that's not going to do very much. There are kids who just wouldn't listen to their parents and just continue doing whatever they're doing. A rating system would really help, in my opinion.

And the artist them self doesn't have to do the rating; a group of other people would do that, so that's not a very good argument. You think that script writers have a rating in mind when they write the script for a play or movie? No, another group of people deal with that. If there is a rating system for songs made, which I hope will happen, other people will decide on the rating, not the artist.

Of course, there's no denying that it would need money to make it work, but wouldn't it be worth it in the end? And in the current economy, any job would be great to have; this could give a few people jobs, I think.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No, because if people don't want children under a certain age listening to a specific song or cd.. I think it's up to their parents/guardians to take control and make sure they don't listen to it. The artists making the music don't have time to think about every single person that listens to their songs. They just make it, and whoever listens to it, listens to it. Parents should be more careful as to what their children are listening to rather than complaining about lyrics.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm a parent of a 13 year old. If you don't want your child listening to a song because of 1 curse word you use on a daily basis or even the metion of sex, you can simply download the clean version. Children these days know everything about those two things these days. Sex isn't a bad word, but parents are a little overprotective these days to not even let their child hear that word. Children need to know about it and know its not right to have it NOW or say a cure word NOW, but they still can have their freedom. The ratings are unnecesary.  Don't let your child listen to someone naming all the curse words or all the positions of sex, If a song has "Sex...on the beach. We don't mind sand in out stilettoes." C'mon. SERIOUSLY? You won't let your chld listen to that. You need help.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't think there should be a rating system because what are you going to do not play those songs on the radio really I mean then you wouldnt get to listen to it so might as well not block it because people are just trying to make a lot of stupid laws for everyone that they don't even follow
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The artist just make the music and we just listen.It is common sense for us two pay attention to life not two whatever the artist is saying.We listen two the music because of the beat not because of the words.The artist are just their to give the song a subject/topic that will make us listen to it.So really their is no need for a Rating System.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The funny thing is, I have to write an essay on this topic...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No I think it dumb that parents get so worked up about it if they don't want there kids listening to it y buy it for them....
Aaron Brlas Profile
Aaron Brlas answered
People seem to only be thinking about one aspect of music listening, and that is buying music to listen to. On the radio, while it may not have profane words in it, MANY artists have VERY sexually suggestive lyrics in there songs. Songs that come to mind are "My Humps" and "If You Seek Amy" (say that title out loud and figure out what it spells if you don't know it already). I think songs should have a classification system and only PG rated songs can be played on the free airwaves. Of course this will never happen because 90% of artists won't get there "popular" songs on the radio any more.

I personally don't have a problem with songs like that but I do feel they are only appropriate for specific age groups. My wife listens to the popular music with suggestive lyrics and I never really took notice till my 10 year old niece came to stay the summer with us and she knew and sang every word to every song that came on the radio, including the two songs listed above.

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