
What Is Adam Lambert's Personal Cell Phone Number?


19 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
Adam Lambert is an American singer, songwriter and director and is well known in the celebrity domain. It is highly unlikely that he would post his phone number on the internet for the public to see for fear of safety and nuisance concerns.
The best way to get someone's number is to get to know them and get them to offer it through their own choice. If it is a matter of urgent concern, perhaps you could find out who his managing company are and get in touch with them so they can get in touch with him.
If you have a mutual friend, perhaps you can get the number from them for his cell phone. This will give you a contact to him and make it easy to explain where you got his number when you do.
You may also be able to contact Adam Lambert's agent or try and contact him via a social media site such as Twitter or Gumtree. This will allow him to contact you back if he feels the need to.
If you do receive a number that is claimed to be Adam Lambert's phone number from a stranger, it is best to stay on the side of caution as you can never know exactly who it is until you meet them and it may not be Adam Lambert you are meeting. To avoid coming to any harm, if you do get his supposed number never trust it.
So, there is no way to get Adam Lambert's personal phone number except if you get it from him. Always beware if you do get his number and you certainly won't find it in the public domain.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Need a Your Question For Adam  is need Help
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I love him!!! I need it. I am his biggest fan people.. There is a thousand pictures of him in my room!! Adam!!! I need you!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I wish I knew but hey if he doesnt want girls screaming in his [phone then that is why he doesnt give out his number you stalkers it would be cool to talk to him on the phone but cmon really don't jut sit around like a loser go have fun!
Kelsie Rae Profile
Kelsie Rae answered
I Don't know it, but there are few people that are fans that do have it but I already know they wont betray Adam, by telling people, they promised him
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I wish I can help but I don't know his number but idid see him in concert ......sorry
look on google
Glam girl Profile
Glam girl answered

I'm a huge fan of him also ,but I to have to say it's impossible to find his phone number. The only people who have it are his family and friends .

So, sorry for disappointing you guys, but this is the truth.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I'm a friend of Adam, but i have to disappoint you. Only his family, his friends and the management have his phone number. It's funny to see how many people want his number, so I have to comment it! Yo won't find his number in the internet, too. And when someone says he has his number, it's just a fake number or something. 

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I Love Adam Lambert so much I have dreams about him all the time and if I see a pic of him I cant breath at all if I see a pic of him I am the biggest fan and I went to every concert he had 

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I need that number s0 bad I already g0t justin biebers REAL number plez I need it m0re den eny b0dy I have milli0nz 0f p0sters 0f him in my r00m
anonim anonim Profile
anonim anonim answered
I like Adam Lambert, but I'm not obsessed of him. Why do you want to know his phone number?  you want to give his phone number to everyone?He is a normal people who want to live his life without paparazzi and obsessed fan. And I understand him. You should do this.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know what it is but I have been searching for months! I wish I knew but sorry!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have looked 8 different places only two were the same! Please no fakes or he must change his number a lot from prank calls from little punks
amin badviyeh Profile
amin badviyeh answered
Is Adam even know that a lot of boys g boys and normal ones in lran. Spically in ahvaz are his fans ?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have his cell phone number but he made me sware not 2 tell anyone sorry

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