
Is Tom Daley Gay?


15 Answers

James Dunthorne Profile
James Dunthorne answered
When will people realise that being gay does not mean you "act", "talk" or "look" differently to someone who isn't? The reason why people think that gay people are different from the rest of us is because of stereotypes. If any of you met me, you wouldn't have a clue I was gay, but I'm not going to go shouting about it to change the way people view people sharing my sexuality. Just because Tom Daley shares a few of the stereotypes of the gay community, does not mean he is gay. It does increase the chances slightly though. I'm sure we will find out soon enough.
Rebecca Worrall Profile
Rebecca Worrall answered
I hope Tom Daley isn't gay because he is gorgeous and he is just the right age for me haha :) People say he looks gay but he has to shave his chest etc because of the sport is does.

P.S. Congratulations Tom for winning Young Personality Of The Year last night made up for you xx
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just cause he had a girl friend doesnt mean he is str8 my friend had a girlfriend for 2 years and now he is gay..soooo. You can't truely tell if someone is gay. But even if he isn't gay I want to meet him. He seems really nice and someone I could be good friends with...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think he very much is gay, am his age and we seem very similar in our behaviour and if you look at everything like freinds and interviews he comes across gay. Witch isn't a bad thing so I don't know why people are so interviews that he's not gay
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think he is.. Because his voice sounds kinda gay.. And I'm also gay and I can tell if someone is or not so I think he is very gay
Thomas Maxwell Profile
Thomas Maxwell answered
I don't know..seems like it....I hope he was...he is handsome with clean-cut hair and have a charming smile....I love you tom!!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know, but sincerely hope so. His voice seems gay, and he may have had a gf when younger, but that doesn't mean a thing. His sexuality is for hi to deal with saying all this, so we should leave it to him to figure out and not gossip on silly little websites.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Normally some gays cover it up because there ashamed of there self's. Its 50/50, his voice seems gay but I don't know for sure
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, I think he isn´t. He says about himself that he had had a girlfriend when he was 13. And this is a strange argument. Clear, everyone´s right saying "Well lots of boys who are gay had had a girlfriend for their first love experiences"I just can say you :THOMAS DALEY ISN´T GAY!!!!I know someone wh talked with him and there was no signs Which showing tom is gaySo NO HE ISN´T it´s just a prejudice
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I hope so. He'd look real good with a big, broad man fast pumping him from behind..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I doubt it, but, I wish he was, I also wish I was younger..but..somethings are in your reach and somethings aren't!!!!
Thats a fact, JACK!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I hope so. He'd look real good with a big, broad man fast pumping him from behind..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tom daley esta buenisimo como se nota que no ha venido de vacaciones a España como todos los girys y ha conocido en fiestas a españolas porque debo recocer que las españolas son guapiiiiisimaaaaaaaassssssss!

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