
Is The Pear Pod Real And If So Where Can I Get One?


16 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is evidence that Pear Pod was an item sold on, but the site is no longer selling them. They may have been a product on the website. Pear Pods originate from the iCarly television show on Nickelodeon. The characters on the show use Pear brand products. The pear products are meant to resemble Apple products without using the apple logo. The Pear logo on the products in the show is clearly visible on all of the electronics. Television shows often use products with false logos so they don’t advertise products. The iCarly website apparently used to sell mp3 players with the Pear logo, but they were discontinued. When you go to the link for the Pear Pod, it says that the page has moved. The only way to purchase a Pear Pod would be buying a used one from someone who bought a Pear Pod before they were discontinued. You could try Amazon and eBay; however these sites currently do not have the Pear Pod for sale. You might try them at a later date.

If you want a pear on your iPod touch, you can try These cases have pictures of drawings of pears.  HappySolez on Etsy has made several versions of pear iPod pouches. The link to their Etsy page is You might ask if they can make one the way you would like. It might be a good idea to check eBay and Amazon periodically for cases with a pear on them. It is highly doubtful that iCarly’s website will sell Pear Pods again (if they ever did.) You could try using your creativity to make your MP3 player look like a Pear Pod. If you find a label or sticker in the shape of a pear, it might transform your MP3 player into a Pear Pod.
Danielle Sorenson Profile
At pear
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well you can't actually buy one because it isn't real.its just made up because doesn't have permission from Apple.but I made my own! How? This is how I bought an ipod touch and went to there I made a skin. I took a pic off the internet of one of ICarly pear pods.then stuck it own my ipod /
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Pear Pods are not real icarly just stuck a pear over the apple logo because they did not have copyright permission to use the apple logo
Peter Mejia Profile
Peter Mejia answered
No Pearpod Is Not Real. Nick Just can't Get Permission From Apple To Call The iPods So They Call The Company, Pear And The Products, Pearpod, Pearphone And Pearpad. And BTW Pear Didnt Start With Icarly. It Started With Drake And Josh!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No but will be in 2010 or 2012 if pod still existed it you can custimize it any way you wantbut it will cost you $149 good luck pear pod fans I am close freinds with miranda, nathan and jennetee so I got a pear phone and an pear pod and a pear laptop.
Danny wutever Profile
Danny wutever answered
No they arent real. The network people have to make up similar names of companies and devices or they have to pay to use them in the show.
Chantel Ezell Profile
Chantel Ezell answered
If they are real its not just a sticker because if you look whole frame of the pearpod is the shape of a pear its not just a sticker on the back

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