In the 1968 comedy movie The Party, Peter Sellers plays Hrundi Bakshi, an Indian actor who is accidentally invited to an exclusive Hollywood party instead of being fired. Bakshi drives a blue three-wheeler made by a British manufacturer called the Morgan Motor Company.
The car in question, featured in this scene of the film, is a vintage Morgan Sports Model, manufactured between 1932 and 1939. Like the others in its series, the V-Twin three-wheeler used an air-cooled or liquid-cooled version of a motorcycle engine, and was not produced again after World War II. As is the case with all British cars, it's right-hand drive.
Due to the car's limited production and value as a collectible, it would probably be very difficult to find one for sale today. However, the Morgan Motor Company launched their new three-wheeler at the Geneva Motor Show in 2011. This model uses an S&S motorcycle engine and costs around £30,000 new.