A trumpet is a wind instrument. Every wind instrument contains a resonator, which is usually the tube. When the wind is pushed into the instrument through the mouthpiece over the resonator, it is made to vibrate. This vibration or the pitch is determined by the length of the tube. The pitch of the instrument can be controlled by manual modifications.
The bore of a trumpet is tapering. It is narrowest at the mouthpiece and flaring wider at the other end. To produce sound, one has to blow through closed lips through the mouthpiece, producing a buzzing sound. This causes the column of air in the trumpet to vibrate and produces sound waves. The player can pre-select the pitch by using different lip apertures or mouthpieces.
The trumpet also has three valves that increase or decrease the length of the tube, thus causing the pitch to change.
The bore of a trumpet is tapering. It is narrowest at the mouthpiece and flaring wider at the other end. To produce sound, one has to blow through closed lips through the mouthpiece, producing a buzzing sound. This causes the column of air in the trumpet to vibrate and produces sound waves. The player can pre-select the pitch by using different lip apertures or mouthpieces.
The trumpet also has three valves that increase or decrease the length of the tube, thus causing the pitch to change.