. Track a drop of blood from its entry into the right atrium until it leaves the left ventricle. Be sure to include all anatomical landmarks, including the major vessels and valves the blood passes through on this journey?


2 Answers

Abi Ainscough Profile
Abi Ainscough answered
After entering into the right atrium, a drop of blood would travel through a number of different parts of the body:

  • The tricuspid valve

After traveling through the right atrium, a drop of blood would enter the tricuspid valve.

  • The right ventricle

After leaving the tricuspid valve, a drop of blood would enter the right ventricle. From the right ventricle, the drop of blood would enter the pulmonary artery.

  • The pulmonary artery

A drop of blood would enter the pulmonary artery via the pulmonary gland, sometimes known as the semilunar valve, after leaving the right ventricle. The blood would then become oxygenated, because it would travel through the pulmonary vascular system, and would there come into contact with air.

  • The pulmonary vein

After becoming oxygenated, the drop of blood would leave the pulmonary system and would enter the pulmonary vein.

  • The left atrium

After traveling through the pulmonary vein, the blood would then enter the left atrium.

  • The left ventricle

After traveling through the left atrium, the blood would enter the left ventricle. From here, the blood would enter the aortic valve, and would then be pumped to different parts of the body.

Blood is a red liquid which pumps around every human being, thanks to the beating of the heart. Every time the heart beats, blood is pumped around the entire body at an incredible rate, providing oxygen for the muscles within the body, and for any chemical reactions which need to take place. Blood would only stop pumping around the body if the heart were to stop beating and driving the blood - in other words, blood will only stop traveling through the body when you die.

Blood is made up of a number of different components, including red blood cells, white blood cells and hemoglobin.
Chris Friesen Profile
Chris Friesen answered
Blood leaves the right atrium, enters the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve. The right ventricle contracts sending the blood through the pulmonic valve into the pulmonary artery (the only 'artery' that carries unoxygenated blood, btw) taking the blood through the pulmonary circulation for oxygen/CO2 exchange, then back to the heart via the pulmonary vein and into the left atrium. When the mitral valve opens the blood drops into the left ventricle awaiting ejection through the aortic valve into the aorta and on its way to the systemic circulatory tree.

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