
Does anyone know a good free music app for iphone?


5 Answers

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

I downloaded a couple of free apps, but they weren't very fun to use!
They had loads of ads that I kept accidentally clicking, and the free version had a limit to how many songs I could download.

Instead, I'd recommend just using in your mobile browser.

They recently launched the app to be mobile responsive, so its actually quite easy to navigate and they have a wide variety of music to choose from!

Sienna Amelia Profile
Sienna Amelia , iOS app developer , answered

I use edjing music app in my iphone... I also tried Songza, Spotify, Rdio they are actually good.I wish to learn how to get the lyric of my favourites to get added to the iPhone library and I found the same here

iOS developer make sense by developing it more mobile responsive. 

Balraj Bal Profile
Balraj Bal answered

Airtel wink is free Music App.

By gooqer

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