I wouldn't say it's entirely necessary to change your name to become famous - but understanding that the celebrities you and I recognize are more like "personas" being portrayed rather than actual people...
So giving that persona a new name probably helps people in the limelight separate what they need to act like, and who they really are.
Celebrities that change their names
The list would be mega long if I tried to list every single famous person that changed their name - but here's a few examples of people that made it big after choosing to be called something else.
It's interesting how the new name also came with a new wardrobe and pretty much a new identity...
Lizzy Grant (aka Lana Del Rey)
Later revelations that her dad is a millionaire and that her stage name was picked by her studio have made fans question whether the transformation was even her idea at all - or a music career designed by industry specialists bought for her by her daddy!
Stefani Germanotta (aka Lady Gaga)
I bet not many of you have heard of the EP "Red and Blue", and yet it was released by the same artist who sold more than 13 million copies of her album "The Fame".
Norma Jean (aka Marilyn Monroe)
The queen of reinvention is probably Marilyn Monroe.
It could be argued that all the popstars that grace the charts these days have yet to make an impact anywhere near Ms. Monroe.
But how many people must have known her as Norma Jean when she was clocking in for her factory-based day job?
So, I'm not sure exactly what the moral of the story is... but I guess the above is proof that maybe mixing things up and changing your name and character is a way to become successful!
You'd be surprised how many famous people were born under a different name... IMDB have a pretty comprehensive list if you're interested!