
How much does Kid Ink earn?


1 Answers

Tim Cook Profile
Tim Cook answered

Kid Ink would appear to worth at least $450,000, possibly as much as $750,000. The more conservative estimate was taken just after his signing to RCA, and a Forbes review of his album My Own Lane.

The higher guess came after the success of Kid Ink's EP Almost Home, so perhaps this release was felt to make Kid Ink a big future star in the world of hip-hop.

Kid Ink would appear to worth at least $450,000, possibly as much as $750,000. The more conservative estimate was taken just after his signing to RCA, and a Forbes review of his album My Own Lane.

The higher guess came after the success of Kid Ink's EP Almost Home, so perhaps this release was felt to make Kid Ink a big future star in the world of hip-hop.

Kid Ink Is Not Worth Millions of Dollars

You may have come across a report which stated Kid Ink was worth $46 million dollars and owned a football team, as well as a restaurant chain, a brand of vodka and a perfume. This report is a hoax and originated on a spoof news website.

Here's a recent interview with Kid Ink, conducted while out on tour:

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