
Does Dave Franco have a lisp?


2 Answers

Tom Sayers Profile
Tom Sayers answered

Dave Franco does indeed have a slight lisp, although this could be debated, it appears barely noticeable and it seems not to affect 'S' sounds like traditional lisps. He does give slight prominence to 'Ch' sounds, however only when watching a long dialogue with him would you notice.

Chloe Corkhill Profile
Chloe Corkhill answered

Dave Franco has an occasional lisp, which means it surfaces when he says some words, some of the time. Franco, who was born in 1985, is the younger brother of James Franco. However, he is currently forging a very successful acting career in his own right. He has performed in 21 Jump Street, Charlie St. Cloud and Warm Bodies.

Dave Franco's lisp, also known as a stigmatism, could be caused by a number of factors, both physical and psychological. Most people who lisp do so because their tongues protrude too far beyond their teeth. Overbites and underbites can also cause lisps. However, Dave Franco is far too good looking to be said to be suffering from either.

thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
No, in fact he does have an overbite. The sibilant hiss he has is caused by his tongue resting between the gap made by the overbite when he comes to pronounces 'a' 'ch' 't' and 'th' words - particularly noticeable when the word is stressed or the sentencing is long, loosening up his speech as the script goes on.

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