How can I get my husband to dress up as André Rieu? I am bored with him and only think about André, but he doesn't want to do as I say :( I bet the REAL MAESTRO would do anything I say!


4 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile

Ahhh, there's nothing quite like an immature troll on a Monday morning. I have an idea. Lose the controlling immature aspect of yourself and get to know your husband for who he is. I bet you'll find that he's a very interesting person. Good luck to you.

Cookie Roma Profile
Cookie Roma answered

You're tired of the way your husband is?  Do you not see that the problem has nothing to do with whether or not your husband will dress as you'd like him too, but rather the problem is within you. It's kind of time to put your big kid pants on and stop acting like a petulant child. 

Rebecca Veazie Deckard Profile

While there's nothing wrong with a bit of play acting in the bedroom to keep things interesting, what you are saying is just plain wrong. Get over yourself. You're "bored" , so you expect your husband to turn himself into another (real, as in exists in the real world) man?!? You've got problems. Stop insulting the man you have. Otherwise you might find yourself without a man at all.

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