Random, have you ever ran out of cups so you drank out of a bowl? (I just did that..) xD... EDIT: I'm not home! Please stop implying that I'm lazy!!!!


7 Answers

Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

All you had to do is wash out a cup and get yourself a drink.

3 People thanked the writer.
Dakota  Mackenzie
Dakota Mackenzie commented
There is no running water on picnics :p
Ancient Hippy
Ancient Hippy commented
Before you edited your question, how were we supposed to know that you weren't at home?
Dakota  Mackenzie
Dakota Mackenzie commented
I know but the picnic had nothing to do with the question lol I was just asking a yes or no question but then I was being told to do dishes. >.> The picnic was a bit of info I had to add so people would leave me alone and just say, yes or no. :c
Tyson Evans Profile
Tyson Evans answered

I've done that before :) -once lol

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

Nope ... I take that as a sign that I need to clean the dishes.


3 People thanked the writer.
Dakota  Mackenzie
Dakota Mackenzie commented
I would have done so xD if it weren't for the situation :)
Walt O'Reagun
Walt O'Reagun commented
I see in another comment you say you're on a picnic you don't wanna be at. I guess you're stuck drinking from a bowl ... unless it's something in a container. Then you can drink straight from the container - gross everybody out - and never be invited to join that group again. 2 problems solved.

Dakota  Mackenzie
Dakota Mackenzie commented
Yesh xD that is awesome lol
Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

I have drunk out of cans, bottles, paper envelopes, a sippy cup, canteens, my hands, a hat. What ever the situation dictates. A bowl is better than a paper plate, it holds more.

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

As long as it's not the toilet bowl...what matter does it make?  Drink out of what ever container you see fit.

2 People thanked the writer.
Dakota  Mackenzie
Dakota Mackenzie commented
Haha xD that'd be gross lol thanks :3 I have drank out of a measuring cup when we ran out of dish soap >.> I also do that if I want to measure how much of something I'm drinking ^-^

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