Do rich people go to the mall all the time? Sorry if this is a silly question and I apologize.


2 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

A good friend of mine comes from a wealthy family. They all like to shop at the mall as well as other shops. Believe it or not, they like to shop at Walmart and Aldi. Imagine that. Stepping foot inside Wal-Mart when you don't have to. It boggles the mind, my friend. :D Good luck to you!

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Corey The Goofyhawk
There is a major difference between bigoted and preference. I don't like going to Wal-Mart because it is very crowded and large crowds make me nervous. It has nothing to do with business practices or what they stand for. I love Wal-Mart because of their low prices and convenience. They have everything I need. My statment was meant as a simple joke that shows how down to earth that family is despite their wealth and not as a bigoted statement against Wal-Mart or their employees.
Maurice Korvo
Maurice Korvo commented
They got rich by watching their money... If Wal-Mart is less expensive, they shop there.

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