What's the best purchase to make at a dollar store? Other than weird props like fake mustaches I'm afraid of everything else especially food or household supplies.


1 Answers

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

The Dollar Tree sells the small pocket Kleenex 6 for $1. My son and I have allergies so we go through a bunch of those. Most dollar stores sell three for $1. We also buy facial tissue which I would call Kleenex but it's the store brand. I've gotten boxes of storage zip lock baggies - my work generally has a box for donations to homeless shelters and youth shelters so there is a great need for those in any size. I've also gotten their toothbrushes and toothpaste. The toothpaste is a smaller size, so you need to see if you're getting a bargain.

Don't buy batteries there. They are generally poor quality. Also, I believe the food stuff is okay to get. As the recession rolled through out nation, the dollar store cleaned house. More people were buying through them than grocery stores, so they were able to tell their suppliers what was selling. So, many of your food stuff that is sold to grocery stores is being supplied to the dollar stores under a different name. Hope this helps.

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