
Random question: if you had 5 wishes, what would they be?


3 Answers

Roy Lovett Profile
Roy Lovett answered

I have but one wish. To enjoy life and be happy and content doing so. ^^

Woof Woofy Profile
Woof Woofy answered

1 wish would be perfect.. Not to be in soo much pain anymore from my stupid autoimmune disease which gave me chronic arthritis in my spine, hip, knee, neck, and shoulder. Bone fusion in my lower spine, and inflammatory bowel disease.

I wish I was better and didn't have to live with this awful disease anymore. But sadly, I'm stuck with it until the day I die. 

Yo Kass Profile
Yo Kass answered

I know it's not that original at all, but I think just one wish for more money would do.

I'd buy a house for my family, spend some time travelling the world, and use my time to focus on my side projects and creating apps and websites.

If I can't ask for money, then I'd directly wish for the things mentioned above.

I'd also like some big things like world peace and being able to live on an outer space colony when that becomes a thing... So wait, how many wishes have I used up?

4 People thanked the writer.
Yo Kass
Yo Kass commented
oh great, how much is this call costing me?! lol
Yo Kass
Yo Kass commented
oh wait, my first wish was loads of money. Never mind then. keep me on hold ;)

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