
FMK: Haruhi Fujioka, Nagisa Hazuki, Rin Matsuoka?


3 Answers

Bradley  Lomax Profile
Bradley Lomax answered

Oh man I just had to search up to that acronym to understand it and... That's a dark scenario, but if I had to choose I would:

F Nagisa because rin would probably be hard to get in the kind of situation.

M none because my social anxiety makes me barley even keep up a stable relationship I think marriage would probably give me a heart attack

K none because they're all cherished characters from good animes.

1 Person thanked the writer.
Dakota  Mackenzie
Dakota Mackenzie commented
I had thought about putting Nagisa for the same thing, but decided mo because he's so innocent! xD They are all very good characters, I agree but this game is kinda fun xD
Bradley  Lomax
Bradley Lomax commented
Yea I can relate more to nagisa because he's more of any uke , the game was rather fun and the thought of rin even being in a fan service like moment is humorous considering the sharp teeth he has and the fact that hes probably really tall compared to a lot of people
Dakota  Mackenzie
Dakota Mackenzie commented
That's funny xD I kinda regret Rin, now that you think about it... :P I probably should have gone with Nagisa ;3! I forgot about Rin's sharp teeth >.> Given the game tho, I'd rather marry Nagisa because he'd be a better spouse than Rin. Haruhi may be okay too :3 ahh... I like them all >.

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