Repeat one day forever or live for one more day... What would you choose?


5 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

There are many things that I would love to do or try to do. I would love to aggressively speak my mind to my inept manager (keep in mind that aggressive is far different from violent). I would love to fly through my city trying to achieve a new top speed in my Acura. After all my imaginative ideas have been played out and driven into the dullness and that none of the changes that I have brought would have any lasting effect, I would realize that all I truly wanted was just one more day to spend with my wife. You may begin tearing up now.

Cue tissues! End scene!

crow robot Profile
crow robot answered

Repeating would get boring

Cool Spot Profile
Cool Spot answered

That doesn't sound fun at all

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

I don't want to repeat the same day forever, even if it was the best day of my life....after a few times in repeating it, it would lose its "specialness" I'd keep that "specialness" close to my heart and go for one more day.

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