I'm scheduled to have ankle surgery on the 4th of May. I know to get lots of rest obviously. I've also stocked up on movies and books. Is there something else I can do to pass the time while I'm recovering? :P


5 Answers

dragonfly forty-six Profile

Maybe something to keep your hands busy. Have you ever tried cross stitching, knitting or crochet? Cross stitch is the easiest to learn and they have simple kits at hobby stores. Crossword puzzles or even puzzles. Coloring. Buy some adult coloring books, Crayola crayons, colored pencils and ultra fine tipped markers. A deck of cards for Solataire. I know you game, so how about a couple of new games?

Wish you a speedy recovery, Kristen. I'm sure we'll see you around here a bit more. :)

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

Other than some good video games on a mobile unit, it sounds to me like you have everything covered ! Other than getting a cast cover to wear so you can shower. Just don't get one that has a plastic ring on it. The rubber seal breaks away from the ring. I have some experience with those. I know you don't have them where you live but the best one I found was at Walgreens ! Amazon has loads of them !

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

All advice given is excellent. Definitely stay with Blurtit.💛 Message me. I can talk about anything and especially if its about nothing. I'm very good at listening ❤especially if its about nothing LOL. I'm with all our caring friends. 💚

We're here for you. 🎀

8 People thanked the writer.
Kristen Storm
Kristen Storm commented
LOL! Thank you Jan I will definitely stay on Blurtit and message you to talk about NOTHING!!! 💚
Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka commented
Sometimes people just need someone to talk about the weather or the beautiful sky. Not always about our problems or our illnesses.
Sometimes we just want a "Hey, I'm thinking of you 😍".
Kristen Storm
Kristen Storm commented
I will most definitely do that :D thank you xxx
Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

Good vibes for a speedy recovery Kristen.

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