Jay Leno, (whose full name is James Douglas Muir Leno) is an American stand up comedian and host of celebrated Television host, previously of the NBC show 'The Tonight Show With Jay Leno', and as of September 2009, his own prime time show 'The Jay Leno Show'. It is not Blurtit's policy at this time to give out the personal and private information of celebrities, and so it is not possible for me to provide you with information about his Email address. According to a self proclaimed expert on Jay Leno, at en.allexperts.com/q/Jay-Leno-1188/Leno-email-address.html, Jay Leno does not actually use computers, and as a result may not even be in possession of an Email address at this time. However, if you do still wish to try and send him an email, I can suggest you try to contact him on NBC's 'The Tonight Show' Email address. Alternatively, you may try to contact him at his production outfit situated at NBC studios, 3000 West Almeda Avenue, in Burbank, California 91523. Jay Leno has a reputation for being very friendly in responding to fan mail and so you may well get a reply if you send him a letter to that address.