mohamad shafi
mohamad shafi answered
SORRY but even for the smallest of terrapins you will need a bigger tank, you need to fit in a filter, a water heater (not a fish water heater they can be bitten through) a land area and a water area, a basking light, (this is the minimum requirements) so the dimensions you give will … Read more
mohamad shafi
mohamad shafi answered
Eteors, also called “shooting stars”, have long been a mystery to man. Today, astronomers feel they have a pretty good idea of what meteors are. They believe them to be broken fragments of comets. When comets break up, the millions of fragments continue to move through space as a meteor swarm or stream. The swarms … Read more
mohamad shafi
mohamad shafi answered
) price of the product-a producer is always aimed on maximizing his profit and minimizing his cost. A higher price increases his willingness to supply and vice-versa.2) technology changes-technology aids a producer in minimizing his cost of production; mass production is possible with technology3) resource supplies-the producer also has to pay for other resources such … Read more