
How I Do Be Like Alex Russo?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You have to be pretty lazy don't like gym class and
dress diffrent, don't bother dressing like others but in the end if you do dress diffrent you have to feel good in what your wearing cause like I ahve friends who want to do this but I'm friends like ehr and I was bored but don't be like her and act fake you need to ease in to her personality cause some people just change the next day from bubbly to her and don't be afraid like we don't want to be in trouble with the cool kids but in the end why dose it matter their pathetic and don't try to please other people and be sarcastic and witty and never ditch your friend.
(I don't know I helped a lot but ill try writing more)
annoy people
don't clean
be yourself
eat what ever
don't watch your weat like other girls do that just makes me mad
try to get involved in things other people don't like
be the opposite of people if someones wearing skinny jeans and now everyones doing you wear flare jeans
feel good in who you are
break rules
get what you want

I hope iw as good help;)
Geneva Pickering Profile
Occasionally make fun off you're brothers or sisters. Love fashion and shopping. Don't do work around the house. Always speak up, don't be shy! Keep your room messy, but not to messy,
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Be daring, fun and creative. Alex loves Urban Outfitters and Forever21. She also keeps a drawing sketchpad. Love the peace sign an wear it EVERYDAY.

Hope this helps
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Easy,  you just have to love fashion and shopping.  Other ways are to be daring, love to bother your brothers/siblings.  You also have to be cool, and not be good at PE, also  you have to lie at times, and have a goofy BFF, [ optional].    You can't be that int rested in magic class either.

Another  easy way to learn about her is to watch the disney channel show or and  go to wikipedia!!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Alex Russo is very sarcastic, she loves to make fun of her 2 brothers, she loves art. She likes shopping and wears a lot of big rings. She almost always wears her hair down and the odd time up. She wears different coloured clothes put together but she makes them work. She is always getting into trouble but I wouldn't advise you doing that.
Hope this helps. :D
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hmmm...... I think alex doesn't bother to clean , is smart and witty, and she mixes things up , but doesn't go over the top. She keeps fashionable , by not completely ignoring the fashion code. She gets in trouble at school because she doesn't bother. All you really have to do is have a don't care attitude, but you ahve to be kinda smart, so you can make smart comebacks . XP this probab;y didn't do much loll
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
But alex russo to be with you make come true
I stll believe with you  
deep inside the eye alex feel love with dean
deep inside the eye   dean feel love with alex
from lory

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