
Where Can I Watch Vampire Diaries For Free Without Downloading It?


11 Answers

Rob Facey Profile
Rob Facey answered
The service you are talking about is called streaming, it allows you to watch television shows online without having to download them. Streaming shows online is a grey area legally in that some networks will allow you to watch their television shows online for free, whilst others charge for the service. There are some websites that have illegally uploaded episodes and shows onto the Internet, and whilst it is not illegal to watch the stream, it could be viewed as ethically unsound. Firstly it would be best to check with the website of the network that shows Vampire Diaries to see if their website offers a free watch or 'catch-up' service. Many networks in the US and the UK now offer this service in a bid to combat illegal uploading and piracy of their shows. If the network does not offer a streaming service for their shows then it is possible that any other online stream you find may be illegally uploaded. Websites such as or seem to show every episode of Vampire Diaries, but questions should be asked about the legality of their sites, as well as your ethical stance on whether it is stealing or not. The reason that uploading oor owning pirated copies of television shows is illegal is because it takes money away from the holder of the copyright for these television shows. Purchasing the DVD, or borrowing it from a friend, would allow the copyright holder to gain profits from the shows, which can then be invested into more shows. There are websites, such as, that tend to verify any video placed on the website, ensuring that the videos you are watching are legal, but does not show whole episodes of the Vampire Diaries series.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Www.curicra it's got all of them it's great
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Try thats wot I did n it worked for me
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered - no surveys quick and easy to load, don't need to join or download anything. :]
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Try ninja video... It's pretty good for stuff like that... Has loads of shows on there, all streaming and all free... :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know a really good website that works. There's no downloading or surveys. It is:
    You can choose different episodes at any time off the list. But a good advice is to not swing the computer or laptop around while the video is playing. It stops the video and if you pause and play again and again, it'll pause by itself from where it first paused when you swinged it. Even if you click on stop, it'll STILL pause. DON'T TRY SWINGING YOUR COMPUTER OR LAPTOP AROUND. BE CAREFUL WITH HOW YOU CARRY IT.

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