BrainSurge is an American children's game show aired on Nickelodeon hosted by Jeff Sutphen. The show taped its first season in February 2009, and debuted on September 28, 2009. The show's format was adapted from the Tokyo Broadcasting System game show Brain Survivor.
The network announced on February 18, 2010 that the programme was renewed for a second season that will consist of 40 episodes and will feature the same format without any known changes. The second season, which featured the 40 original episodes plus one episode held over from season one, premiered on June 21, 2010.
A third season was taped in March 2011, with a scheduled premiere sometime in the Fall of 2011. The format has been altered slightly, with five parent/child teams competing and the game will now be called "Family Brainsurge". As of 2011, all other aspects of the game will remain unchanged.
It is all about mind and concentration. Contestants square off in fast-paced competition that puts their memory skills to the test. The kids face three levels of competition as they try to avoid such hazards as the Brain Drain or the Face Wall. Kids will be eliminated until the last remaining champion gets the "ultimate prize,” or so it is described - a massive celebratory classic Nickelodeon sliming.
Nickelodeon suggests that individuals hoping to become contestants on Brain Surge first get their parents’ permission and e-mail [email protected] with your request including your name, age, birth date and contact information. You should receive an email when auditions for the next season begin, auditions for the show will be held in LA, NOT London.
Another alternative is to ‘like’ Brain Surge’s Facebook page where you will be kept up to date with upcoming auditions.
If you were not lucky enough to become a contestant on Brain Surge you still have the chance to be there as part of the audience. You can find tickets on
The network announced on February 18, 2010 that the programme was renewed for a second season that will consist of 40 episodes and will feature the same format without any known changes. The second season, which featured the 40 original episodes plus one episode held over from season one, premiered on June 21, 2010.
A third season was taped in March 2011, with a scheduled premiere sometime in the Fall of 2011. The format has been altered slightly, with five parent/child teams competing and the game will now be called "Family Brainsurge". As of 2011, all other aspects of the game will remain unchanged.
It is all about mind and concentration. Contestants square off in fast-paced competition that puts their memory skills to the test. The kids face three levels of competition as they try to avoid such hazards as the Brain Drain or the Face Wall. Kids will be eliminated until the last remaining champion gets the "ultimate prize,” or so it is described - a massive celebratory classic Nickelodeon sliming.
Nickelodeon suggests that individuals hoping to become contestants on Brain Surge first get their parents’ permission and e-mail [email protected] with your request including your name, age, birth date and contact information. You should receive an email when auditions for the next season begin, auditions for the show will be held in LA, NOT London.
Another alternative is to ‘like’ Brain Surge’s Facebook page where you will be kept up to date with upcoming auditions.
If you were not lucky enough to become a contestant on Brain Surge you still have the chance to be there as part of the audience. You can find tickets on