Brain-Surge is a game show for kids that airs on the Nickelodeon network on cable and satellite TV. It presents its participants with a series of mind-bending challenges and it is hosted by Jeff Sutphen. If your child would like to be a contestant on this fun show, there are a series of steps you need to do to give them a chance to audition to be on the show.
Visit the web site at or call the audition line that is displayed while you watch this one of a kind game show. Take a good picture of your child and write a note explaining why your child would make a good contestant. Your child needs to be a good sport to be on this show as every winner of the show gets "slimed” at the end of the show. If your child has a good sense of humor, welcomes weird challenges, and is not camera-shy, they may very well be a good fit for this popular Nickelodeon show.
Make sure to leave a valid phone number, email address, and cell phone number when you send in your application either by mail or by e-mail. If you are contacted your child will most likely have to attend an audition in which they will be evaluated by the Nickelodeon staff. As with most shows on the kid's network, show producers are looking for pre-teen kids who look good on camera, have bubbly personalities and are good sports who know how to take a joke and laugh it off.
Take your time putting together a good application that shows your child at his or her best and they may very well get a hot to be on the show. If they do, expect your child to have the experience of a lifetime.
Visit the web site at or call the audition line that is displayed while you watch this one of a kind game show. Take a good picture of your child and write a note explaining why your child would make a good contestant. Your child needs to be a good sport to be on this show as every winner of the show gets "slimed” at the end of the show. If your child has a good sense of humor, welcomes weird challenges, and is not camera-shy, they may very well be a good fit for this popular Nickelodeon show.
Make sure to leave a valid phone number, email address, and cell phone number when you send in your application either by mail or by e-mail. If you are contacted your child will most likely have to attend an audition in which they will be evaluated by the Nickelodeon staff. As with most shows on the kid's network, show producers are looking for pre-teen kids who look good on camera, have bubbly personalities and are good sports who know how to take a joke and laugh it off.
Take your time putting together a good application that shows your child at his or her best and they may very well get a hot to be on the show. If they do, expect your child to have the experience of a lifetime.