
What Is Justin Bieber Cousin Name And Number?


21 Answers

Ashley Bieber Profile
Ashley Bieber answered
Yes she is his cousin,but they don't really see much off each other any more
they only see each other on Christmas birthdays and things like that.
Ashley does have facebook it's

her name is ashley carr bieber I saw a picture off her and justin but she deleted it because loads off people were adding her and she also deleted me but she is his cousin
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Apparently this guy at my school named Alec is his cousin but I doubt it. It is just these guys trying to fool this stupid girl named Paige fields.  Ps if that person dating him is the same person here you are stupid he is not his cousin
Heather Lovelett Profile
I know both-but it is mandatory for me not to give out any information
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Please tell me his email! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I must have it to tell him happy birthday! Because his birthday is March 1st 1994 correct?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Justin bella bieber  
    bella means beautiful I italian
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey people what is justins number I am his because we lust echoes numbers when we both had to git different numbers or his email.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You all need to get a life... And stop lying...
And plus I am his real cousin and I know his real number and we are realy blood related
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hi Everyone. =) His Name? JUSTIN DREW BIEBER! And I Know His Email. =)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If Justin wanted you to know his number HE WOULD TELL YOU!!! Leave the poor boy alone... How would you feel if someone kept asking you for PERSONAL INFORMATION?!?!?!?! Let him be happy about being a star...p.s. If you read this Justin then YOU ROCK!!!bye guys!:-D
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
By the way the thing on youtube doesn't work on my phone I put in 404 665  3410 and it didnt work
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes justin bieber luvs all his fan and people arent stalking him or else he would b kid napped no were 2 b found
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
His name is andrew fiormonti I'm not sure how to spell his last name he is my friend on myspace he looks just like JB
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Sorry thats not your information but hes my cousin and I wont tell you my name srry.

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