
Would Justin Bieber Go Out With A Fat Girl?


39 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Here's the truth...
If he really liked you he wouldn't care about your size even big girls are pretty. You shouldn't feel bad about it there are loads of people out there who are even bigger than you but just because you have a different size body that should not stop justin bieber dating you. Every single person in the world has a special gift of beauty. Even bigger people.
Honestly, it's not always skinny people who look better than bigger people. You just have to be yourself don't pretend to be somone your not. Everyone listen to me he is an ordinarry teen just like everyone else and just because he's famous doesn't mean he want's a model sized girlfriend. You know what ,bigger people can do just as much as skinny people so bigger girls carry on beliving In your self and I promise your find your prince charming!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think Justin Bieber would date a fat or I should say in a nicer way,chubby girl because he wouldn't break a girls heart.He loves girls.He doesn't care if you can't do a sport,or not do a speacial activity you can't do.He just wants a girl with a  big heart,beautiful smile,a sense of humor and someone that can me him laugh.Justin also wants a girl who wouldn't scream "oh my god, it's Justin Bieber!" and a girl who doesn't think he a popular kid.He just wants to be an avrege teen who wants to live a normal life.Everyone girl who is a fan of JB,including me have a 1 out 1 million chances you will have date with Justin o.You may have a chance with him even though your  chubby, I am too.Your not alone who ever made this question.I hope you will have a chance with Justin Bieber even though your chubby.I know this is very long,but I hope I helped!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It doesnt even matter if your fat or not its who you r don't listen to what other ppl think about you because not right they say if you listen to ppl who make fun of you ,you might feel that you will never find your love but I knw you will and it doesnt have to be justin bieber I knw he sweet and a good guys but its hard sometimes for him to find the rite person and I knw he will like you as longest your nice and one more thing you don't have to be white just he is white you can be latian american mexican it does not matter he will like you just like he loves his fans.
               you knw I'm half what makes me latina and hispanic but doesnt matter he will date anyone   trust me
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes justin bieber dosentr care if your fat or thin he looks for your personality and smile he is so sweet and he admited that it dosent matter to him you could weigh 235lbs and if you were nice and smile was nice and nice eyes he would love you
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Justin is a really cute guy he said he will go out with a girl of any size and any race as long as they have a nice smile and a good personality so the gal who said Justin is your bf you r wrong because he said he is single
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yess!! He doesnt care if a girls fat or not but you have to have a great persinality, a great smile, you must make him laugh, and just be a cool laid back chick:)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I wouldn't call myself "FAT" But I am very very plump :( I always wonder if he wouldn't like me but everyone is saying its the personality that counts. He likes girls that have a nice smile an eyes, someone who is fun to be around, a girl who can make him laugh :)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just because people are fat doesnt mean thaT THEY ARE BAD PEOPLE SO WHAT? God???? If he likes you then he does and if he doesnt than he doesnt so yeah and I think he would go out with a fat girl because he went out with me and I'm the first one to admit that I'm fat so yeahhhhhhh have a nice day (:
angel bloss Profile
angel bloss answered
I would say yes because it is not how you look its as if you guys like each other but if he says no then I say for a singer that has a lot of girls in the world that are big like me so I should say for him to get over him self and get real and loose the situation about looks cause if I were a singer I would never care about look and if I see him at the state fair oh it an't going to look pritty oh and I love skatebording and I hope one of these day I hope justin beiber will show how to skatebord
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
He might, I an interview he said it all depends he he falls in love with you , anyway he loves nice eyes and a nice smile. X x
hope it helped x
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I say no I am 110 and I think justin does not care is long as she is funny and down to earth and you rude people on here fat girls are just as pretty and you guys might be haterz
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am a little chubby and I hope he does or else he will be one of those other Hollywood freaks that just date skinny "perfect" girls but I don't think he is like that. So yeah he would but you got to ask him not me.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You know what I think he would which looks doesnt matter and if he can't accept you for who you r then forget it its no use and he also said in an interview he just needs someone who can make him laugh have a great smile and a great personality
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think he wouldnt :( come on he is a teenager whitch most of them look for a thin pretty girl. And what he says in his interview might just be lies or he just ties to be nice, but don't let your hopes down there are really pretty big grils out there with a big heart :) hope it helppped
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Would justin go out with anyone who has glasses and has big teeth
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Would justin ever go out or date someone who has glasses and big teeth and about to get braces??????????????????????????????????????????????
kathrynne beil Profile
kathrynne beil answered
Sorry but no he already has me and if he broke my heart than I guess
thanked the writer.
kathrynne beil
kathrynne beil commented
Alright jdb101 for ur info i am not chinese and it is true we hav been datin for the past yr and a half u need to get ova that fact that he WILL NEVER EVER go out with someone who just dissed his grl aka me he will never lik someone ....who stalks him get ova ur self and WAKE UP!!!!! TO THE REAL WORLD
Justine Elburn Profile
Justine Elburn answered
I don't know. Maybe if you had a great personality, OK looking eyes, if you made him laugh, and made each other happy then I guess.BUT I'm not sure.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know he may not want them as his girlfriend but I'm sure he wouldn't put them down he really nice
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know I think so because he said he just wants a good smile pretty eyes and good attitude
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I agree it doesnt matter I'm like medium kinda well ill start doing better  (:  (;
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes justin bieber likes fat girls he love a 16 year old name reah lewis an she is fat...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think he would because he is so sweet and he woudlnt hurt anyone exspecially  a girl
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Umm me I'm skinny... Haha...

  But I think  its not important if  you are fat or thin right?

   Its important is your personality..... I think he will like you if you have good attitudes..
Like he wants from a girl
  (I'm a ultimate jb fan)
  ("mi corazon jb)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Listen ok?

Prudence here!!
If justin really cares about the personality then he won't even look at how fat you are, how ugly you are or how handicapped you are.

And as for the girl cough cough bitch who said she was dating justin... Justin bieber or is it the justin you want to be justin bieber? Haha how you daydream so well...pathetic.

It really depends on justin. If he's not fake then he's telling the truth but if he IS fake, then you could dump him right before he would ever ask you out ok girl? But I feel justin's the real deal hehe...corny.....

I've made my point guys!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Justin Bieber wouldn't care what size you are.He cares about the inside and about love. He would love a girl with brown hair, making him laugh and who can have a personal conversation
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I like justin justin biber so much that I just want to kiss him but I think he doesnt like fat girls I'm kinda fat and my weight is:120 so
Faith Craddick Profile
Faith Craddick answered
I don't know think so I'm his gf and I'm not fat, and all his ex girlfriends have been skinny. Hes really sweet so he would probaly like them but I will ask him l8r
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It dosen't  sound  like it I really want 2 no I think he dosen't  I bet  he likes  skinny  girls  better than  fat  girls

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