
Does Inuyasha End Up With Kagome?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Sorry to spoil but Inuyasha and Kagome get married. I don't know about the rest of their lives part but they do in fact get married
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, Duh, Can't yall tell that InuYasha likes Kagome way better? He even crys when he thinks Kagome is dead. And he trys kissing her two times. Besides that Kagome was with InuYasha longer then Kikyo, he only loves Kikyo still because she was his first love and because she died outta of saddness and hatred toward him. And he feels bad if he forgotton her and didn't want to replace her. And in like every episode there is romance between InuYasha and Kagome and InuYasha is always jealous. When Koga comes around. And he one time was holding Kagome to make sure she wouldn't go to him. And at the end, sorry if I am spolining this but Kagome and InuYasha get married at the end of the series in InuYasha the final act if you want to watch it go to and search InuYasha the final act. ^.^ good luck!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You guys (last GUEST and JAPAN LOVER) are both wrong, he marries Kagome.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, research my research has proven he likes Kagome more than Kikyo, and he has shown more feelings to her than anyone else in the whole anime.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes they end up together whoever said she gets with his brother should pay closer attention to the series. He loves kagome more than he ever loved kikyo
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Inuyasha and Kagome end up together. If you read the last issue of the manga, Inuyasha and Kagome found a way to be together. After that,they pretty much lived together with Miroku and Sango.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
He does. Chapter 558 explicitly has them together.

However, he never chose Kagome. He only defaulted to her because the other choice was no longer among the living.
Mikel Joseph Profile
Mikel Joseph answered

A hickey can be regarded as an area or perhaps even a love markers that takes place to happen when spouses kiss aggressively and can some times sting areas round the throat as well as the collar . When you've ever experimented with the sexy and trendy remedies plus also they don't really do the job as rapid you'd really prefer to, then you'll find tend to be more natural home treatments to become rid of the hickey rapid. Massaging all over the are as a hickey does occur helps in bloodstream flow as therapeutic massage divides blood vessels and vessels. The red stains can probably immediately vary in coloring whilst the pressing gently does the task onto your own epidermis.How to Get Rid of a Hickey Fast

* ice If you catch the hickey soon enough, your can minimize the mark by immediately applying ice.
* Surface stimulation will help disperse the blood. Gently rub and massage the area.
* Using a comb or a hairbrush to massage the area works better than fingers and hands.
* Using any tubular object with a domed end, apply steady pressure over the hickey and twist. It will hurt, but it will help. Lipstick caps, pen caps, and blistex caps work. The goal is to work the blood deeper into the skin.
* Make the hickey worse - if you use a curling iron, have your 'friend' reshape the hickey to match the pattern that it would make if you had burned yourself accidentally. This can work with any likely burn or bruise scenario. Turtleneck sweaterDo not burn yourself! Reshape the hickey with more suction.

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