No he didnt die bu I saw rumors he was found dead in his closet and dead and another one said he was passed out on his couch for a few hours and they brought him 2 da hospital and he was reported dead so its all a big rumor 2 startle ppl so he isn't dead but I sorta believe these people because someone saw it all over the news I don't believe that there would be less people laughing if he died and a lot of millions of girls crying so you he isn't dead. But if he was I would cry a lot :(
No cause he is still singing and going on tours and I love him
I think he didn t I really think it was a rumor that got started I also love justin beiber songs they are fascistic he is soooo cute.... I have picture of him on my walls and in my notebook I love him
No!! He didn't die it's just a rumor!!! Calm ppl!!
No he just performed on new years it was just rumor
Yes, that little prick deserves to die.
No because Hz still alive look in hotter than ever
No he said he didnt die it was a stupid rumor
Hes NoT dead calm your selves
Its not true
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOo!!!!!! He just broke his foot, who told you THAT
I do not think so cause if he did die it would be all over the news and the only place I have heard it was on the internet and in fwd messages!!! (imagine that)=(
I love justin bieber. I hope he is ok but, I bet it is was just a stupid rumor