
What Are Some Unusual Facts About Justin Bieber's Life?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Okay Some unusual facts about justin is that justin loves veggies he likes snacking on raw brocoli, Justin's good at golf. Fave color is purple. His best friends name is ryan justin's an A student but his fave subjects are math and English. He's Multi-talented. He thinks what matters in a girl is great smile and a good personality, rollercoasters make him sick even though he loves them. Justin HATES chocolate not even chocolate ice-cream!! It takes justin 20 minutes to get ready. And lastly Justin got his first kiss at the age of 13, at a school dance he made the first move! Don't believe me it's in a "BOP" the kids magazine but it sold in January you can still see if they have it though. It says "Justins dream girl" on the cover with big letters. Thanks for your question. Feb. 13, 2010
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Okay so if you are going to leave stuff about justin bieber and his "facts" then atleast know what the hell you are talking about seriously justin is NO WHERE close to being a veggie. He LOVES sweets. He LIKES chocolate he doesnt hate it his favorite kind of chocolate is mars!!
AND his favorite color ISN'T freakin purple. It's BLUE moron
trust me, i know EVERYTHING about him. So get your damn facts dtraigh before you go and post stuff bout him that isnt true and BOP doesnt say that i know tht
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ok his NEW fave color is purple ... He changed it lol. His sisters name is Jazmin and his bros name is jaxon he has a papillon named sam (sammy) favorite chocolate is TWIX and he likes canadian mars bars . Likes girls who can make him laugh and loves sour patch kids .
hannah anderson Profile
hannah anderson answered
He cut his hair and he is goin out with selens gomez and he has already hit puberty and hes 17 and he has 3 cds out and lots more !
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Screaming girls, money, concerts and, the girls
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Dose justin have a sister
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
He is just weird .it doesnt matter how cute(which hes not)he is or how old he is he is a weirdo
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You ppl are stalkers come on he's a normal person like me I look like him(but girl version) and ppl wont leave me alone I know how it feels so you don't need to know everything!!

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