
What Are The Characteristic Of Television?


1 Answers

Meg Hayes Profile
Meg Hayes answered
One of the main characteristics of television is that it is an extremely important device when it comes to mass communication. It is estimated that of the 6.8 billion people on Earth, around 1.4 billion own a television set, this equates to around one out of five or 20% of the world's population. Of that percentage, China is top of the list with 400 million televisions, 28.2% of their 1.4 billion population.

This shows how many people have access to a television and therefore the massive audience that view messages that are given out through the medium of television. This ability of television to reach such a wide audience of all ages at once can be used for entertainment purposes, for news to keep people informed on events that are occurring around the globe as well as political statements that may affect people's lives and (one of its main purposes) advertising.

  • Advertising
Advertising is how most television channels make money. These channels display company products in between television shows (there is usually one break halfway through a 30 minute program and three breaks every 15 minutes in an hour long program), and the channels get money from the companies to advertise their products.

It is for this reason why television ratings are so highly valued. The higher the ratings of a particular show, the more a company's advertised products will be seen by viewers. It is normal that company will have to pay a television channel more money to get advertised during a particularly popular show or event, such as America's Got Talent or the Superbowl.

Television is an extremely important part of mass communication. Without television, a lot of people would probably not even be aware of what is going on in the outside world.

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