Does Prince Michael Jackson Have Girlfriend Named Shaquanda?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey to be honest, I'm friends with him on Myspace (yes he is real, if don't believe me then don't add him if you think he's not the real prince Jackson) Anyways, yes, Prince does have a girlfriend,. Her names Destiny and yes it is Paris's best friend. Paris is dating a 15 year old boy who is Jake T. Austin from Wizards of Waverly Place and Jake is Prince's best friend. I'm 12 also and have the same birthday as him (Feb. 13, 1997) I do like him but I'm shy to talk to him, hehe :) P.S. I came here to tell you about him and if he has a gf because most of you girls are silly. And crazy over prince lol but I understand.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Prince doesn't have one and plus poor ;prince he has girls all over him
his dad bearly al died the person that raised him I don't all he would want or have a girlfriend and al the sudden girls think hes cute why didnt they see the person in him not his looks I been knowing about the jackson kids and michael since I was 4
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Well i know how it feels 2 be like him and i know how it feels when his dad died i just wanted to say sorry about your dad and maybe i have a little crush on you but i know alittle thinks about you but a LOTS OF THINGS about your dad.(good things)and your just 1yr older then me i am 11yr old
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Maybe, Only Prince knows the answer. He is Only Just lost his father and he is greaving gosh even I am, michael jackson was the best singer I don't even think there is going to be any one like michael jackson agian he was better Elvis. Sorry to all the Elvis Fans But that is just what I think.
Gosh when I watched the memorial I though that was great the Paris had the guts to go up and say what she said Bless her little soul.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No he doesnt have a girlfriend he does not want one.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No, he has no girlfriend! He has not allowed to start dating until he is 14. Year so why should he have a girlfriend then? (I come from Norway so sorry if you do not see what I say. I'm 12.år way, but I was born in 1997)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes prince has got a gf!! Her name is destiny and she is one of mi best friend! I love her ...she is a wonderful girl! Belive in me!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Prince does and the guest who said her nane is destiny was right her last name is harmsa or harsma and paris is dating jake paris and destiny are bffs and prince and jake are bffs also good work guest

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