With effect from July 1st 2013, viewers outside of South Africa required new decoders to continue to watch the South African Broadcasting Corporation various channels.
The new 'Vivid’ decoders would be needed to receive SABC TV 1, 2, 3 and all SABC Radios, and existing decoders used to pick up these stations in countries such as Malawi and Zimbabwe would no longer receive these stations. Not only this, but non-South African residents would require a smart card/decoder number, South African proof of residence, valid identification (ID or passport) and a valid TV licence to buy the new decoders. The 'Vivid' decoders would not function outside South Africa even when bought for use in neighbouring countries.
The Straying SignalBy November 2013 however, it was reported that it was possible for some neighbouring countries to still receive SABC's output, as the supposedly 'encrypted' signal was being picked up by Free To Air decoders, such as those made by Wiztech and Phillibao, in previously restricted countries. Viewers outside South Africa could rescan their decoders using codes 11673 v 26638 to receive SABC, although some viewers reported a weaker signal.
This gentleman probably wishes no one saw his appearance on SABC!