
Where can I watch Generation Iron?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Generation Iron is available to watch on Hulu. Simply search for the movie on there and start enjoying.,p0,d2

generation iron watch online

It's actually really interesting. What I like about Generation Iron is that most people see these men as aggressive 'meat heads' (appologies for the stereotype) but in actual fact they are introspective, soft spoken and very dedicated.

Incidently, for those of you struggling to access Hulu because you are outside the US, you can also enjoy Generation iron by following these steps:

Download an add-on for Chrome/Mozilla thats called Media Hint. And
you can watch Hulu from any place in the world, easy and it works!

Pedro Gonzalez Profile
Pedro Gonzalez answered

You can't watch Generation Iron even from those lame "paying" sites such as this one I found that asks for my credit card as soon as I hit the play button:

Generation Iron Watch online free

I was so excited when I saw the trailer of Generation Iron. I even considered signing up to Hulu plus because I heard it was gonna be on there.

But then I found out these guys are just marketing the cr*p out of this movie to try and make as much money as possible. They even pulled it from Hulu and now the only way to watch it is to pre-order for the April 4th release date:

This made some people suspicious, and some even wondered whether the movie even existed in the first place..

But now I can see on the official site they want money for it so it must be true:

But I swear as soon as they release that DVD it is going to be pirated all over the internet because they have really angered the body building community by trying to milk it in this way.

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