Iit just me noticing sexual scenes in TV ads and music vids?


3 Answers

Nice Girl Profile
Nice Girl answered

No! obviously not only you! Everyone notices but it's just that they don't react to them or tell anyone else! So nothing to worry about!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I notice sexual activity but no scenes or anything.  If that was the way it is it would be a porno!

Elizabeth MacConnachie Profile

No!!!! Society is sex crazed......Its cheap and not very nice...I dont want to sit watching TV and a LoveHoney Sex toy online retail store ad comes on or a durex advert.....or some sex crazed woman or man on EMusic singing about talking dirty....or watching those "reality" shows on MTV - to me, its vile.....I people think it is some respectable Recreational activity to do and that it doesnt mean anything.....etc etc....I dont agree with it....and I was shocked and appalled at Green Days video for Oh Love...I thought I was going to puke up my Tortillia Chips!!!! 

To be honest...I didnt like it ...and if that is what they are trying to represant a Rock Star Backstage thing that they get up to then I am very surprised all of them are in long-term relationships....it was disgusting.  No!!! So Sleasey....it would be OK for their relationships as they are with punks who are fine with sleeping around and having orgies...but its gross...for me.....vile...cheap....that is why some of their new stuff didnt work...they always want to come across as non-sleasey and masodistic and alway gush over their other halves....unfortately I very much do think that it is an unfortuately true-to-life representation of their antics backstage (considering Billie said some joke about inpregancing the whole of Austrailia - sorry, not funny - funny he your Punk, or young but if your not, then its not)  - I also think it was done intentionally to shock and appall people...I unfortuately sigh as I think that they do get up to that horrible stuff backstage.....rumours....Oh My God!!!! 

Thats just me.....I cannot stand over-sexed themed stuff, TV, Adverts, flims and music, music videos.....but I am an aspie so we, aspies dont like that sort of thing.   The answer has a sex crazed video for their song Spectactular and it didnt work for me whatsoever....I am not a lesbain and I dislike looking at half naked female models....eeeeeewww.  

And I would balk in my mouth if someone spoke to me like a hooker....I would slap them.   I hate it....to be honest....so no.  You aren't the only one.

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