I cannot stomach either one of them but if had to choose i'd say Bieber uugghh....lol....
Would you Rather - A) Be stuck in a tree with Miley Cyrus for a day as she sings Wrecking Ball the whole time. OR B) Go on a date with Justin Bieber for a day?
I'd lose all my sanity if I chose either option...option A even moreso. Yeah I think I'm just gonna stay home and sleep.
I'd rather eat cold roadkill than do either one.
See as I am old enough to be either's mother, I don't either would want to be stuck with me for a day. My dad was great at having "discussions" that made you rethink the choices you have made and how to make better ones. I have inherited that ability. I think it would be great fun to watch either squirm for a day.
I hate that 'Wrecking Ball' song, so if it were ABSOLUTELY necessary, I'd have to go with JB.
Go on a date with Justin Bieber, feeling sick and listening to ONE Miley Cyrus song would be infuriating! If the date isn't going very good, I can just leave. Simple as that.
Hanging with a rich brat, or a spoiled brat, Hmmm neither sounds desirable. I'll just stay home and do my laundry.
A) I like Miley. Don't judge me. :P
OMG, why these two? You would pretty much have to tell me "Shelly, you have to make this choice now, or the world ends" to get me to bother with either of them. Not a fan but Justin seems to be developing a sense of humor, where Miley seems to be losing hers. If forced to save the world... It would be JB vs MC
Neither I'm not really fans of them.