When I watched Blazing Saddles again the other night ! That movie is gonna kill me yet from laughing so hard !
Parks & Rec: Jerry's Painting.It was when Leslie went to scare Ben and he smacked his head against the cabinets...omg it was so funny. Here's a link to watch
A couple of years ago when a friend was staying over. We were in the kitchen making something to eat and then we started laughing uncontrollably for no reason for a good 15-20 minutes. We were flopping allover the floor laughing our heads off.
It had something to do with what my cousin said, which I don't remember what it was. We always have entertaining conversations.
The situation was not funny since a boy slapped a girl really hard on the face. However, in the comment section on you tube somebody said, " that dude slapped that girl so hard in her face, they're going to need a search party to find her jaw". ( I couldn't stop laughing picturing the scenario)