If you ever go to Barnes And Noble do you buy a book or a movie?


3 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

Barnes and Noble is so over priced, it's unreal. Only reason I ever go there is to see what the newest releases are but I go to Target or Wal Mart to buy any of them. I've never bought a DVD from them and maybe only a couple of books ever, Amazon has all the same things for much less. I'm surprised Barnes and Noble is still in business.

Phineous J. Whoopee Profile

I have bought books there before.  I like to go there and read some while alone before making a purchase.  I generally do not buy movies unless its something I know I will want to have for many years (Star Wars would be one example).  It's too easy to just go to red box and rent it for $1.

Chewed Bubblegum Profile

Only books, they're overpriced as it is, but when you have their rewards program they're great. But nope on their cds

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