Do you ever sing a song and add someone's name in the song who is in the room with you?


5 Answers

Phineous J. Whoopee Profile

Do you mean like

"Dakota, I got your number
I need to make you mine
Dakota, don't change your number

no - almost never do that.

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Phineous J. Whoopee
I should add that I went to school with a girl named Sue, and would often add her name to any songs where it fit, like change the word "you" and make it "sue" - usually after drinking, and she found it cute.
Mountain  Man
Mountain Man commented
I do it mostly when my grandkids are here. I throw one of their names in where it fits and it puts a smile on their face.
Dakota  Mackenzie
Dakota Mackenzie commented
I love it! xD
LiftedTruck Redneck Profile

Quite often actually. Except, I don't sing actual songs. I write them in my head as I go along, so it's all about that person. It gets a good laugh out of them, and that's really the only reason people keep me around..

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LiftedTruck Redneck
Thank you😊 I like to see people, especially my little cousin laugh and smile. You're only young and carefree for so long, so why spend it sad and down in the dumps? I'm more of a lone wolf when it comes to help. I have major trust issues and people wouldn't listen even if I wanted them to help me. But, that still doesn't change what I would do for many.
Dakota  Mackenzie
Dakota Mackenzie commented
You're very welcome ^-^ and I agree, completely. I love making people smile. You sound a lot like me, I have trust issues too, so I hear ya... I don't like to go to anyone for help, I prefer helping others. If I can make someone else happy, I can be happy too for at least a second. You're a good person..
LiftedTruck Redneck
Agreed. It feels great to make someone happy, even if you cannot be happy yourself. Thank you, you sound like a great person as well😊
Megan goodgirl Profile
Megan goodgirl answered

No I don't do that.

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